Hot Dub On The Harbour Accessibility

Hot Dub On The Harbour aims to be an inclusive, accessible, and enjoyable experience for everyone. We are constantly working on ways to improve the event experience for our patrons. We understand that when deciding about whether to attend an event, knowledge is power, so here are some things that might be useful for you to know before you arrive.

The information below is constantly being updated. If anything is noted as not yet known, check back soon for updates.

Accessible Tickets
If you have any accessibility requirements, we strongly recommend purchasing/changing your ticket type an Accessible Ticket. There is no price difference for this ticket, but it helps ensure you receive accessibility information from us before the event and will help us to provision adequate resources on the day.

You can purchase an Accessible Ticket here –

To change your ticket type to an Accessible Ticket, please submit a request via Moshtix support here –

Carers / Companion Cards
We know that equal access can sometimes mean being accompanied by a carer. Hot Dub On The Harbour offers complimentary carer/companion tickets for companion card holders. If you’d like to request a companion ticket, visit the link below and fill in the request form. You’ll need your Moshtix order number (from when you bought your own ticket to Hot Dub On The Harbour) and a copy of your companion card.

IMPORTANT- We are more than happy to facilitate any companion swaps should your companion need to be replaced with someone else during the day. Just ask the Front Gate Manager or the Accessibility Manager and they will help organise this.

Accessibility Hotline
To help improve the experience for our accessible patrons we will be operating an accessible hotline on the day of Hot Dub On The Harbour. The hotline phone will be monitored by the Accessibility Manager for the duration of the day and can be reached by phone call and text message. Please feel free to contact the hotline if you’re facing any access issues, need support, or have any questions related to accessibility. We strongly recommend contacting the number through WhatsApp, as mobile phone reception is likely to drop out as the festival gets busier.

The Accessibility Hotline number is 0497 932 448 and is only active on Friday 22 November 2024.

To discuss any accessibility requirements prior to this date, please email [email protected] or phone 02 9699 2454.

Accessibility Liaisons
To help ensure a positive, safe experience for our accessible patrons, Hot Dub On The Harbour will have a dedicated Accessibility Liaison Team on site. They will be stationed at the accessible entry point and in the accessible viewing area. They can be reached by contacting the Accessibility Hotline number or asking any of our crew in yellow shirts. They’re there to help in any way they can so please reach out if you need assistance.

Assistance Animals
Assistance animals are welcome at this event as we understand that equal access can sometimes mean having one accompany you. Please ask one of our friendly staff or Accessibility Liaison Team for assistance. Assistance animals are trained to assist a person with disability and meet standards of hygiene and behaviour that are appropriate for an animal in a public place. If you would like to discuss how we can support you and your assistance animal on site before Hot Dub On The Harbour, please email [email protected].

Getting To Hot Dub On The Harbour

There is no dedicated patron parking at Hot Dub On The Harbour. The closest public parking is at The Domain Wilson car park. We strongly suggest booking in advance as it will sell out. This parking station has lift access to Art Gallery Road.

Book a parking space via this page

Event Drop Off/Pick Up Point
The accessible drop-off and pick up zone is located near the Accessible Entry at the turning circle on Mrs Macquaries Road, across the road from the Andrew (Boy) Charlton Pool. This point is also the public drop off/pick-up zone.

Accessible Entry
The Accessible Entry is located right near Guest Services on Mrs Macquaries Road (view map for location). The path from the drop off point to the entry is flat ground/road. The entry will be identifiable by an “Accessibility Entry” sign and a staff member will be there to scan your ticket/s.

Moving Around The Site
From the entry point, it is a continuous concrete path straight to the viewing area in front of the stage. This path is on a decline towards the stage and incline back up to the entrance. There are numerous other concrete pathways throughout the event. Where there is not concrete, the ground is mostly grass. They can occasionally get congested, so if you require assistance to move from one area of the site to another, we encourage you to contact the Accessibility Hotline or ask any of our event staff for assistance.

Accessible Toilets
There will be two accessible toilets on site. One is behind the Medical tent, and one is in the harbourside toilet block area (near the food trucks). Check the patron map for their exact locations. The accessible toilets are identifiable by this symbol:

Accessible Viewing Area
There will be an accessible viewing area to the left of the main stage, close to the harbourside. The viewing area is solely for the use of our accessibility patrons plus one other (carer or friend). There is a continuous concrete path of travel from the Accessible Entry to the viewing area. Chairs are provided in this area. The viewing area will be staffed by our friendly event team who are there to help in any way they can. The viewing area will be identifiable by this symbol on ground-level signage:

Event Facilities
At Hot Dub On The Harbour, the bars, Anything Anytime (Merch/Cloakroom) and Recycling will have Accessible service points with lowered counters. These will have signage above them that reads “Accessible”.

Hot Dub On The Harbour will not have AUSLAN services.

Hot Dub On The Harbour will not have captioning.

Lighting / Special Effects Considerations
Hot Dub On The Harbour will have special effects for the performance of Hot Dub Time Machine. This includes strobe lighting, flames, CO2 and close proximity fireworks (on the water).

First Aid
Hot Dub On The Harbour will be operating an advanced Medical Facility. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, unsafe, or are unwell please visit the Medical Tent (see the map for the location).

Emergency Evacuation Procedures
In the unlikely event of a site evacuation, please make your way to the accessible exit point (the accessible entrance near Guest Services) and follow the directions of event staff and security to the closest assembly area. The Accessibility Liaison Team will be available to assist you in this process (if required) and are briefed to travel to the accessible viewing area and then to the accessible exit point.

Contact Us
We are happy to assist people with accessibility requirements in making plans for a pleasant and safe event experience.

Before the event: Please get in touch with us at [email protected] or phone 02 9699 2454.

The Accessibility Hotline number is 0497 932 448 and is only active on Friday 22 November 2024.